ARCHIVED: About student email accounts and IU employment

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As of May 17, 2022, Exchange Online is the official university email for all IU students. For more, see ARCHIVED: About the student email move from Gmail at IU to Exchange.
In the context of this document, "student employee" means a current IU employee who is also either a current or a former IU student.

Appropriate use

Because Gmail at IU accounts are hosted by a vendor external to IU, student employees may use this account to conduct university business only if they do not receive or transmit any sensitive data via these accounts.

In other words, student employees:

  • May use Gmail at IU to send and receive work-related messages that contain no sensitive information, for example, to confirm work hours, make appointments, or discuss assignments in a manner that doesn't involve the transmission of any sensitive information.
  • Must use an IU email account (Exchange) to send and receive any work-related messages that contain any sensitive information; for example, associate instructors must use Exchange to send messages to or about the students whom they teach.

This applies to all student employees, including graduate Student Academic Appointees (SAAs), such as associate instructors, graduate assistants, research assistants, faculty assistants, and graders. Because of concerns about the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), departments prefer Exchange accounts for mail containing confidential student data and other correspondence relating to work with students.

Exchange accounts will be disabled and the content unavailable when you are no longer affiliated with IU.

For more about sensitive data, see About sensitive data at IU.

If you are a student employee and have questions, you may contact your supervisor. If supervisors want clarification, they may contact the University Information Policy Office.

Where your email arrives

If you have both a student email account and an employee email account (that is, Exchange):

  • Certain email messages will bypass your student account and be delivered to your employee email account. For more, see If you are not receiving all of your IU email.
  • At any given time, you may set your IU email address to ARCHIVED: forward your mail to only one email account. If you use Exchange as your preferrred email service, but would like a certain email message delivered to your Gmail at IU account, ask the sender to direct the message to the address to bypass your IU forwarding rules and ensure that the message is sent to your Gmail at IU account.

Halt mail delivery to your student account

If you use your Exchange account as your preferred email service at IU, you can stop using your student email account so that mail is exclusively delivered to and sent from your Exchange account. To do so:

  1. UITS recommends that you back up any content (including any messages) associated with your Gmail at IU student email account using Google Takeout, as described in Import and export Google data.
  2. Once you've completed this process, request that your student email account is deleted; see Delete an IU computing account.

This is document axhw in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-05-22 20:56:44.