Information sources recommended for those providing local UITS support at IU

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At Indiana University, IT Community Partnerships (ITCP) recommends that local UITS support people subscribe to or follow the sources listed below for vital security and service information.

IU mailing lists

  • The local UITS support people mailing list: Registered local UITS support people are automatically subscribed to this ADS group when they register in IT People. Because subscriptions to this list are both mandatory and automated, it is reserved for distributing essential, time-sensitive technical information, actionable items, and security concerns. The list follows an announcements-only format and is moderated by ITCP.
  • IT-Technical-L: This list receives the same content sent to the local UITS support people list. It is intended for those with a professional interest in IT at IU, but who are not required to register in IT People. Subscriptions are limited to IU email addresses. Send a subscription request to
    If you are registered in IT People and you also subscribe to IT-Technical-L, you will receive duplicate copies of messages sent to those lists.
  • IT-Announcements-L: This list is intended to communicate IT-related news, announcements, and events of interest to all local UITS support people at IU. Content will generally not overlap with that sent to the local UITS support people and IT-Technical-L lists. The list is moderated by ITCP, and relevant messages are welcome from all subscribers. Subscriptions are open to anyone with an IU email address. Send a subscription request to

IT Notices

You can receive IT Notices in email or by visiting Status.IU; see Access IT Notices at IU.

UISO bulletins

You can receive security bulletins from the University Information Security Office (UISO) in email, via RSS news feed, or by visiting Security Bulletins; see View UISO IT security bulletins.

Apple notifications

For product security notifications and announcements from Apple, subscribe to the Apple security-announce mailing list or browse its archives; see Security-announce Info Page.

ITCP also recommends the Penn State University (PSU) MACENTERPRISE mailing list. To subscribe, see Join or Leave the MACENTERPRISE List, or browse the archives.

Microsoft security bulletins

For security bulletins about Microsoft products and components, see Security Advisories and Bulletins, or have them sent to you by subscribing to Microsoft Technical Security Notifications.

Symantec vulnerabilities, threats, and risks

Security updates from Symantec are available at Symantec Security Center.


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), part of the United States Department of Homeland Security now incorporating the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), provides resources to help you learn about cybersecurity and how to secure your home and small business networks. For current cyber awareness alerts, bulletins, and tips, see the National Cyber Awareness System, where you can also subscribe to receive timely information about security topics and threats.

Security patch management

For discussions about security patch management topics covering a broad spectrum of operating systems, applications, and network devices, visit to subscribe to the Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) and Patch Management mailing lists.

Decision Support

The Decision Support Technologies Users' Group is made up of developers working with Tableau. To pose questions to the group, email To subscribe, send a blank email message to

This is document bczr in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-20 15:17:49.