About Qualtrics at IU
On this page:
Create an account
Qualtrics is a cloud-based survey tool available for anyone at IU.
To create your Qualtrics account, log in with your University account. Doing so will generate your account and give you the default set of Qualtrics permissions.
If you would like to be associated with your organization's existing division and inherit its custom permissions, contact your division administrator; for help identifying your Qualtrics division administrator, email edshelp@iu.edu.
Appropriate use
At IU, Qualtrics use must align with Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (IT-01). Qualtrics is appropriate for use with sensitive institutional data classified as Critical, including data containing information protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
This UITS system or service meets certain requirements established in the HIPAA Security Rule thereby enabling its use for work involving data that contain protected health information (PHI). However, using this system or service does not fulfill your legal responsibilities for protecting the privacy and security of data that contain PHI. You may use this system or service for work involving data that contain PHI only if you institute additional administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that complement those UITS already has in place.
If you have questions about securing HIPAA-regulated research data at IU, email securemyresearch@iu.edu. SecureMyResearch provides self-service resources and one-on-one consulting to help IU researchers, faculty, and staff meet cybersecurity and compliance requirements for processing, storing, and sharing regulated and unregulated research data; for more, see About SecureMyResearch. To learn more about properly ensuring the safe handling of PHI on UITS systems, see the UITS IT Training video Securing HIPAA Workflows on UITS Systems. To learn about division of responsibilities for securing PHI, see Shared responsibility model for securing PHI on UITS systems.
Official Classification levels of institutional data are defined in Management of Institutional Data (DM-01). Rules and Policies of Data Management apply to all users and administrators of IU information technology resources. In accordance with these rules and policies, every individual who works with sensitive institutional data at IU is responsible for knowing and adhering to the university's data management standards to prevent inappropriate disclosures of personal or confidential information.
This is document bffx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-11-30 12:05:34.