Division administration of Qualtrics at IU

On this page:

Divisions created before August 2019 will remain, but no additional divisions will be added.

Create a new user

To administratively create a new user in Qualtrics at Indiana University:

  1. Log in to Qualtrics.
  2. On the Administration tab, select Users, and then select Create a New User.
  3. In the "Create a New User" window, under "Username", enter the following (replace username with the recipient's University account username):
  4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address for the new user.
  5. Create a strong password for the user.
    Although the user will log into Qualtrics using IU Login, and therefore doesn't need a password, you must still create one.
  6. From the "User Type" drop-down list, select the appropriate user type to assign.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Direct the user to follow the Administrative method for creating an account.

Upgrade codes

Qualtrics upgrade codes can be created for any IU division in Qualtrics. Upgrade codes allow any user in the default division to gain access to a specific division and user type in Qualtrics at IU. This is particularly helpful for large groups of users, such as students who need access for a class.

To get an upgrade code, email eLearning Design & Services Help at edshelp@iu.edu with the following information:

  • Your Qualtrics division name
  • What type of user will be using the code (for example, staff, faculty, student, all)
  • What user type you would like to associate with each code for access level
  • Expiration date

    For expiration dates, UITS recommends the following:

    • Set staff and faculty upgrade codes to never expire.
    • Set student upgrade codes to expire after a certain span of days (for example, 365 days, 1,000 days). However, as the division administrator, you determine how long you want the codes to last.

Once your upgrade code request is approved, the IU brand administrator will send you a new upgrade code. Send the code to the intended audience, along with instructions to create a new account using the Upgrade code method.

Email limits

Qualtrics currently limits the number of survey email messages users can send to 25,000 per week. If you have users who need to increase this limit, have them email eLearning Design & Services Help at edshelp@iu.edu with the following information:

  • Username of account that needs email increase
  • Reason for email increase (student elections survey, large sample size, etc.)
  • How many email messages the user needs to send on a weekly basis
  • Whether this limit should be increased once, or forever

eDS staff will contact the user once the approval process is complete.

This is document bfhm in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-19 16:07:18.