Request institutional storage in Microsoft shared storage

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At Indiana University, employees must use the Institutional storage request form to request shared storage in Microsoft Teams at IU.


Any Microsoft Teams team must be created using IU's Institutional storage request form. To access the form in the Teams client, in the left navigation pane select New Team. This process ensures the team is created as private, where specific members are assigned access, and it provides additional safeguards, naming conventions, and tools that will be valuable for storage owners and the IU community.

If you are an employee who will be storing content that is classified as University-Internal data or greater and that includes information that terminated employees and the public should not have access to, you are required to use the institutional storage request form.

It's important to use the institutional storage request form rather than the Join or Create Team button (Join or Create Team button) in Microsoft Teams because requesting through the form:

  • Applies security configurations and controls based on the data selected
  • Ensures the appropriate naming conventions are in place
  • Provides storage owner access to the "Manage your storage" tool, which provides an interface to update the storage location (for example, adding external collaborators, updating data classification, updating team description and metadata, etc.). The management tool also provides valuable audit information.
  • Provides the owner with a list of their responsibilities as well as training resources for maintaining user access in the team, in any channels created, and within SharePoint Online.

Submit a request for Microsoft Teams storage

If you have questions about your department's storage options, consult with your unit's local UITS support person before submitting your request for storage.

To complete the Institutional storage request form form, you must:

  • Identify two owners for the storage location. Owners must agree to follow the usage standards and accept responsibility for preserving the security and confidentiality of information that you store, post, access, or share before you are provided access to the environments.
  • Determine the highest data classification to be managed in your storage location. If your storage location will be managing Critical or Restricted data, such as personal health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), and/or FERPA, additional controls will be applied to help storage owners fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Determine whether you will need to share with collaborators who are external to IU (and have no IU accounts). Storage locations created for use with external collaborators will have an "E" appended to the name prefix and will allow access to external collaborators that you approve.

Once you have submitted the form, the new storage site will be created immediately.

If your team in Microsoft Teams was initially requested without external sharing enabled, and you later need to enable it, see Enable external sharing in Microsoft Teams at IU.

This is document bghi in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-04-15 16:12:20.