ARCHIVED: About the IU spam quarantine service

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UITS provides filtering services on all email accounts at Indiana University to reduce the amount of unsolicited commercial email (spam) stored on IU email servers. The services help you identify and eliminate unwanted email, and reduce the costly impact spam has on university resources.

The service analyzes all mail delivered to IU Exchange accounts. If your account has not been migrated to Exchange Online, messages marked as spam are quarantined for five days in your Junk E-mail (Exchange) folder, and then are deleted automatically. For accounts that have been migrated, these messages are quarantined for 30 days before they are automatically deleted.


The service leverages the anti-spam capabilities built into Exchange and Outlook Web App (OWA). Exchange scans incoming messages and labels each one with a Spam Confidence Level (SCL) rating. Messages with an SCL of 6 or higher are delivered to your Junk E-mail folder, where they're quarantined and then automatically deleted.

  • Email messages that do not leave the Exchange environment, or that are sent directly from one IU Exchange account to another, are not filtered.
  • Email sent from non-Exchange IU accounts, or from mail clients or services that use the mail relays, are still scanned by the spam filter.

Spam deleted automatically

Monitor your Junk E-mail folder frequently, since messages are deleted automatically after the quarantine period.

Email purged from the Junk E-mail folder on Exchange is available for recovery from the 180-day retention area.

False positives

The spam quarantine service may deliver some false positives (messages that you want to keep) to your Junk E-mail folder. To keep such a message, move it to another folder. In Exchange, you can prevent future false positives by adding the sender to your Safe Senders list. For more, see About junk email settings in Exchange at IU.

Filtering during your vacation (or opting out)

If you're going away on vacation, or are otherwise unable to monitor your email account during the quarantine period, or if you'd rather not participate in the spam quarantine service at all, you can ARCHIVED: opt out of the service.

Existing client-side filtering

You don't need to enable any client-side filtering to participate in the spam quarantine service, but you can choose to augment the service with client-side filters, rules, or junk mail features.

If you use Outlook to read your Exchange account, you can have Cached Exchange Mode enabled to ARCHIVED: use Outlook's Junk E-mail filter to augment the anti-spam filter on the Exchange server.

For help while using Microsoft 365 applications, you can often press F1 or select Help from the Help menu. For more, see Get help with Microsoft 365 software.

This is document spam in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-07 17:13:40.