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At Indiana University, IU Login allows you to access multiple IU computing systems after entering your IU username and passphrase only once on a central authentication system. This is often referred to as single sign-on.

IU students, faculty, and staff authenticate with your IU username and passphrase. An IU Guest account or IU Extranet account provides access to a limited number of IU services for some individuals not associated with IU.

CAS currently supports many IU web applications, including One.IU, Time, PeopleSoft, HRMS (payroll), and the employee Paid Time Off (ePTO) system.

You will be automatically redirected to log in when you access one of the supported systems, unless you have already authenticated during your session. You can also reach the login screen directly at

CAS currently supports three types of authentication: Active Directory, Duo, and Guest. CAS clients can be deployed on a combination of platforms including Windows, Linux, and both Apache and IIS. CAS supports a variety of tools and languages.

While CAS authentication will only return a username, you can use that username to query ADS and retrieve more information. See Query ADS using LDAP.


To stay informed or provide feedback about IU Login, or to ask questions about developing with it, use the auth-discuss-l mailing list. To subscribe, email

This is document akui in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-05-23 15:06:12.