About catalogs in the IUIE

In the IUIE, there are three catalogs: My Catalog, the Master Catalog, and the Test Catalog. Under the Catalogs tab, select the appropriate link to open a catalog.

  • Master Catalog: The Master Catalog provides an index to all report objects published within the IUIE. Publishers can run and update report objects already in production through this catalog.
  • My Catalog: My Catalog provides a place to organize and manage your own report object shortcuts and parameters, and report output and scheduled jobs.
  • Test Catalog: The Test Catalog lists report objects currently under development and/or ready for testing. Publishers create new report objects in this catalog.

Each catalog contains an index of report objects on the left side of the browser window, arranged in a tree structure of folders and subfolders.

The Master and Test catalogs are organized by application area, and each application area has reports organized by subject area. Select a folder icon or category name to display the report objects published under that application area. Select a report object icon or label name to view or run the report.

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Last modified on 2024-06-14 12:07:14.