ARCHIVED: Create a new IU email address

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Everyone at Indiana University has a email address, even if they already have another email address based on campus affiliation. If is not your primary email address (your email address in the IU Directory), messages sent to will be automatically forwarded to your primary email address.

If you chose not to create a campus-specific email address (for example, or when you created your first IU computing accounts, or if you are affiliated with a new campus, you can create a new email address. Before you can follow these instructions:

  • You need to be currently enrolled (not admitted) or employed at the campus for which you are creating the email address. If you have recently registered at a new campus, allow one business day for your campus affiliation to be recognized by the system.
  • If you have recently run the Starter Kit to create your first accounts, wait until the following day to create additional email addresses for which you may be eligible.

To create a new email address:

  1. Individual accounts:

    Go to Manage Your Email.

    Group accounts:

    In a fresh browser in which you have not logged into IU Login, navigate to Manage Your Email. Log in using your group account credentials.

  2. Select Create new email address.
  3. Select the drop-down menu to see the additional IU email addresses for which you are eligible.

    If you don't see an email address for which you believe you are eligible, and it has been at least one day since your change in status, contact the Office of the Registrar (for students) or the Office of Human Resources (for faculty and staff) on your new campus.

  4. Choose the appropriate new address, and select Create Address. On the page that appears, your email address and your current delivery information will be displayed.
To receive mail sent to your new address, you do not need to set it as your primary email address (that is, the address that's displayed in the IU Directory and the Global Address List). If you want to set your new address as your primary email address, you must take several additional steps (before and after changing your primary email address) to avoid interrupting your email service and/or system accessibility. If you cannot (or do not wish to) follow these precautionary guidelines, do not change your primary email address. For more, see Your primary IU email address.

This is document aufj in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-01-23 11:59:58.