ARCHIVED: UITS Tier 2 Support CrimsonCard job opportunities at IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis

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Effective April 14, 2024, the CrimsonCard Consultant position as described here was discontinued. Responsibilities for this position were transferred to Technology Center Consulting (TCC). For job opportunities, see Support Center In-Person Support job opportunities at IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis.

On this page:

CrimsonCard Consultant position

UITS occasionally hires part-time consultant positions for the CrimsonCard Support team. We are looking for exceptional people to help with the issuance and support of CrimsonCard for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates of the university. We are willing to train motivated and excited learners and are committed to providing excellent customer service during every single client interaction.

Applicants will be considered based on:

  • Customer service skills and work experience
  • Troubleshooting skills and critical thinking
  • Applicant availability

Consultants in this position have the opportunity to gain valuable customer service experience and technical knowledge that will improve their career marketability.

Job description

At Indiana University Bloomington and IU Indianapolis, under minimal supervision, consultants provide direct support to clients of the CrimsonCard Support offices. Duties for all consultants include, but are not limited to:

  • Produces and issues the official photo ID card (CrimsonCard) to students, employees, and affiliates, including identity verification, confirmation of eligibility and payment processing.
  • Provides extensive customer service support via walk-in, email, and phone for issues related to card issuance, card-related financial activity, card suspension and reinstatement, door access, payroll deduction and payroll advance, and many others.

In addition, consultants are required to demonstrate exemplary interpersonal communication skills and professionalism at all times, and support and comply with all Indiana University, UITS, and Tier 2 Support policies and procedures.


  • Proactive customer service attitude
  • Strong organizational and interpersonal skills
  • Professional attitude and demeanor
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of a team
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Knowledge of and familiarity with university computing systems and the Windows operating system and applications
  • Must be able to remain in a stationary position for extended periods of time
  • Must be able to move up to 35 pounds and to move and transport equipment
  • At least one year of related customer service experience preferred
  • Commitment to working a minimum of 15 hours per week for two consecutive semesters


CrimsonCard Consultants are required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week and may work a maximum of 29 hours per week. We are looking primarily for people who can make a commitment to work at least two full semesters (fall, spring, summer).

Schedulers request availability templates from each consultant before the start of each semester to create a semester template. Each week's schedule is based on the semester template. Shifts are assigned based on a combination of staffing needs, consultant availability, seniority, and attendance history.


CrimsonCard consultants are paid $12.50 per hour.

IU part-time staff are paid on an hourly, biweekly basis with no remission of academic fees and no commitment to continuous employment.

Positions include work-study opportunities. For more, see the Student Central Work-Study pages for IU Bloomington or IU Indianapolis.

Apply online

If you're interested in becoming a CrimsonCard Consultant, apply online for your preferred location:

To submit your application, follow these instructions:

  1. On the "Authentication" page:
  2. On the "New Job Application" page, under "Application", make sure the correct campus and job are selected.
  3. Fill out the application completely and make sure to follow all instructions.
  4. When you're finished, at the bottom of the page, click Complete.
  5. You will be directed to provide your availability information for the current/upcoming semester(s). Follow the on-screen instructions, and then, when you're ready to submit your availability information, at the bottom of the page, click Update. The page will refresh, and you should see a "Success" message displayed at the bottom of the page.
  6. You now have successfully submitted your application and may close the window. You will receive a confirmation message from at the email address you listed. If you are not using an IU email account, you should add the address to an allowlist to ensure that the message is not filtered to your junk/spam folder.

You may submit one application per year; make sure your application is complete, accurate, and representative of your skills, abilities, and work history. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified of your status via email. Please be patient, as the hiring process often takes 30 to 60 days.

For employment information or inquiries, contact

Policy notice

Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action institution. IU intends to maintain an alcohol- and drug-free workplace and to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and its amendments. To that end, all employees must comply with the university's Substance Free Workplace policy. Policy statements and crime and fire statistics for Indiana University campuses are available at Annual Security Reports.

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Last modified on 2024-07-05 08:01:37.