ARCHIVED: How can I check my IU email from home?

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To access your Indiana University email from home, you must first establish an Internet connection, as described below. Then you can choose one of the methods from the Ways to access your email section further down in this document.

Connecting to the Internet

Ways to access your email

  • IU Webmail

    If you have a Cyrus mail account, you can read your email with IU Webmail, a web-based email system available for users at IU. It provides basic email functionality through a simple web interface, allowing you to read email easily from anywhere in the world without having to reconfigure a browser or email client software. It also allows you to send and open attachments easily from your desktop. For more information on using IU Webmail, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: Features of IU Webmail.

  • IMAP

    You can use IMAP to access your email on the Cyrus mail system. Setting up an IMAP client is more involved than using IU Webmail, but you may find it easier to use and more functional. Common IMAP clients include Netscape Messenger, Outlook Express, Entourage, and Mac OS X Mail. For information on using these and other IMAP clients, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: Reading your Cyrus mail using a desktop client.

  • Accessing your Exchange account

    If you have an Exchange account at IUB or IUPUI, you can access your Exchange email using a web browser. Use the following URL for the Outlook Web Access (OWA) secure site:

    Alternatively, you can set up Outlook to access the Exchange server. For more information, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: From my home computer, how can I use Outlook to read my IU Exchange account mail?

    Note: In Outlook 2003 or earlier, or with a connection to Indiana University via an outside Internet service provider (ISP) with handheld synchronization software, you must establish a VPN connection before connecting to your Exchange mailbox. See About the IU VPN and ARCHIVED: At IU, using an outside ISP, why can't I connect to my Exchange account with Outlook or BlackBerry Desktop Manager?

    You may also use an IMAP client to access your Exchange account, though you can access only the email portion of your account; calendars, tasks, and other features of Exchange are not available using IMAP clients. For more information, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: Reading your Exchange mail using a desktop client.

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Last modified on 2023-09-22 17:45:57.