Access to IU resources for official IU retirees

On this page:


To be eligible for these services, you must be retired according to IU's criteria. For a list of the age and service requirements necessary to qualify as an official retiree, see Retiree Status and Benefits. To verify your status, contact your campus Human Resources (HR) or Academic Affairs office.

For more, see IU account types and eligibility.

Information for spouses of deceased retirees

Upon learning of a retiree's death from Human Resources, UITS will deactivate the deceased's computer account, typically within seven days.

The spouse of a deceased faculty or staff member may request computing accounts if the faculty or staff member achieved official retiree status before death. To proceed, contact your spouse's department chair or human resources administrator. That person needs to request the creation of an Affiliate account for you.

With appropriate authorization, UITS may be able to provide a deceased retiree's email messages to a spouse upon request. In accordance with university policy, UITS only downloads the email messages and will not sort or read them.

Access to specific services

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CrimsonPerks may be available at each vendor's discretion.

Your email account will remain active after you retire. If you need to request your first email account after you retire, see Create your first IU computing accounts (admitted students, faculty, staff, affiliates, and those returning to IU).

You can access your email directly at Outlook on the web.

For more details about your IU email and other accounts, see IU account types and eligibility.

Sign in via IU Login to purchase equipment at a discount with Dell and Apple through each vendor's IU purchasing site; see ComputerGuide: Deals by vendor, recommendations, and common questions. You can also receive any educational discounts that may be available on Apple products at the campus bookstores; check with your local bookstore for details.
Google at IU
You keep full access to your Google at IU account.
IT Training
You can take advantage of many IT Training resources and services without fee, or at significant discounts compared to market prices.
IUware, IUanyWare, and Microsoft 365

Retired faculty have access to IUware and IUanyWare, but retired staff do not.

As of January 16, 2021:

  • Retired emeriti faculty: Eligible for Microsoft 365 A5 licenses, which include full use of Microsoft 365, including installation of desktop versions of Microsoft 365 for installation on personal computers.
  • Retired faculty and staff: Eligible for Microsoft 365 A1 licenses, which provide 100 GB of OneDrive storage space and use of online apps in Microsoft 365 at IU. This does not include access to desktop versions of Microsoft 365 for installation on personal computers.

For further details about access to these services, refer to the "Retired faculty" and "Retired staff" columns in IU account types and eligibility.

Library services

If you have questions about library services not addressed below, contact your local IU library.

  • Use online databases, electronic journals, and electronic books:

    You retain access to the resources provided by their local IU library. Use your University account to log into library-owned computers, connect to electronic resources from off campus, and access many library services. The easiest way to access electronic subscription resources is via your campus library website; alternatively, to access them through the library catalog, log into IUCAT.

    Some professional schools provide access to special databases for faculty who have retired from that school; for details, contact your local library.

  • Check out books and other materials:
    • Library accounts: Library accounts expire annually and must be renewed. If you receive a notice that your library account has expired, contact the circulation desk at your local library to confirm your contact information and renew your account.
      All library notices will be sent to your IU email address. You must check this address regularly if you borrow library materials.
      • Retired faculty and professional staff: You may keep your library account and use your IU ID card to check out library materials. Renew materials through IUCAT or in person; all libraries except IU Kokomo also allow renewal of materials by phone or by mail.
      • Retired clerical and service-maintenance staff: You may keep your IU ID card and barcode number. On most campuses, when you retire, your library account will transfer to an Indiana resident account with a 30-day loan period. Renew materials through IUCAT or in person; all libraries except IU Kokomo also allow renewal of materials by phone or by mail. Alternatively, at IU Bloomington, Indiana resident account users can renew materials via the Renew Items Online form; at IU Indianapolis University Library, see Renewing Materials.
    • ALF requests and Request Delivery service: Retired faculty and staff may request materials from the Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF) via IUCAT, and may use the Request Delivery service in IUCAT to request materials from libraries at other IU campuses.
  • Interlibrary loan and document delivery:

    You may request materials via interlibrary loan and document delivery services. Loan periods for interlibrary loan materials vary, and are usually shorter than those for materials borrowed from the IU Libraries. Renewals may or may not be available depending on the lending library's policies.

  • Faculty studies at IU Bloomington:

    Retired IU Bloomington faculty members may request or renew a faculty study by filling out the form at Wells Library Faculty Study Rooms. For more, see Wells Library Faculty Study Guidelines.

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Last modified on 2024-09-13 14:11:54.