Your mobile device at IU

On this page:


Since configuring your device will require your IU passphrase, you must perform these steps yourself. Do not provide your passphrase to a sales or service representative. Doing so is a violation of your Acceptable Use Agreement; see Your responsibilities as a computer user at IU.

For help, contact your campus Support Center.


Follow the appropriate instructions to read your IU email on your mobile device.

Wireless on campus

eduroam is replacing IU Secure as the default wireless network for students, faculty, staff, and affiliates on all IU campuses. IU Secure is no longer available in the residence halls, and all new wireless connections should use eduroam; see Connect to eduroam.


Because your device will have access to personal information, you should make an effort to secure it and the data it holds. If your device will be accessing IU institutional data, proper security is necessary. For guidelines and detailed instructions, see Protect data on your mobile device.

Apps to download

UITS recommends that students, faculty, and staff use the following apps with tablets and smartphones:

Cell service plans

Other mobile services

To get the most out of your mobile device at IU, consider the following options:

  • One.IU provides a variety of services designed for the IU community.
  • Configure your device for IUanyWare, IU's virtualization service, which lets you run a wide range of popular software. See About IUanyWare.

This is document bcyx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-08-15 17:02:42.