Computing accounts at IU

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Use of Indiana University technology resources (such as computers, networks, phones) is restricted to purposes related to the university's mission of education, research, and public service. Access to IU computing resources is granted to all admitted IU students and current or retired university faculty and staff, in support of their studies, instruction, duties as employees, official business with the university, and other university-sanctioned activities. Under certain circumstances, guests and affiliates of IU are also eligible.

Basic accounts

Students, faculty, and staff at IU initially receive the following accounts:

  • ADS domain account: Your ADS account consists of a unique username and passphrase, and allows you to authenticate to most university resources.
  • Email account: Undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff create Microsoft Exchange Online accounts.

Along with the basic accounts that are automatically created, you may be eligible for other UITS computing accounts, based on your campus and your status within the university.

Additional accounts

Individual home page account (all campuses)

If you'd like to publish an individual home page at IU, you can request an account on Pages, which serves individual websites at

Google at IU (all campuses)

Google at IU gives students, faculty, and staff access to many Google applications, and while similar to free, personal Google accounts, provides additional functionality.


Microsoft 365 at IU

Microsoft 365 at IU gives students, faculty, and staff access to the Microsoft 365 software suite, Microsoft OneDrive at IU, and Microsoft Teams at IU.

Workstation accounts (IU Bloomington only)

The Burrow, a cluster of Linux workstations in Luddy Hall, is reserved for use by students taking Luddy School classes. Accounts are created automatically for students enrolled in classes that use these systems.

Accounts for groups, departments, and student organizations

All group or departmental accounts must have owners who are active faculty or staff members (as reported by HRMS). If the owner leaves the university or (through change of HR status) becomes ineligible to own a group account, the owned account(s) will be disabled. To ensure the continuity of group accounts, see Transfer ownership of a group or departmental account.

For details, see About IU computing accounts for groups or departments and Computing accounts for IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis student organizations.

In accordance with standards for access control mandated by the HIPAA Security Rule, you are not permitted to access data containing protected health information (PHI) using a group (or departmental) account. To ensure accountability and maintain appropriate levels of access control, all users must use an individual login for all work involving PHI.

Research system accounts (all campuses)

UITS Research Technologies develops, delivers, and supports advanced technology solutions that enable new possibilities in research, scholarly endeavors, and creative activity at Indiana University and beyond. These systems are configured to support research computing only, and do not accept inbound mail from the network. Newsreaders, information clients (for example, Lynx), and IRC clients are not supported.

Eligible students, faculty, staff, and sponsored affiliates can request accounts on the research systems:

Eligibility requirements are as follows:

  • All IU students, faculty, staff, and sponsored affiliated researchers can request accounts on the following research systems:
    • Quartz

      Quartz is Indiana University's high-throughput computing cluster. Designed to deliver large amounts of processing capacity over long periods of time, Quartz provides the advanced supercomputing performance needed to run high-end, data-intensive applications that are critical to scientific discovery and innovation.

      For more, see About Quartz at IU

    • Slate

      Slate is a centralized, high performance Lustre file system designed for the persistent storage of scholarly data to meet the needs of data-intensive workflows and analytics running on Indiana University's research supercomputers. Space on Slate is not subject to a purge policy.

      For more, see About Slate high performance storage for research computation at IU.

  • Only IU graduate students, faculty, and staff can request accounts on the following research systems; undergraduate students and sponsored affiliates won't see these systems listed as available options, and will need either faculty or staff sponsors to request accounts (see below):
    • Big Red 200

      Big Red 200 is an HPE Cray EX supercomputer designed to support scientific and medical research, and advanced research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics.

      For more, see About Big Red 200 at IU.

    • The Research Database Complex (RDC)

      The Indiana University Research Database Complex (RDC) supports research-related MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and data-intensive applications that require databases. The RDC is strictly devoted to supporting research, and is not an instructional, classroom environment.

    • The Scholarly Data Archive (SDA)

      The Indiana University Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) provides extensive capacity (approximately 79 PB of tape overall) for storing and accessing research data. The SDA is a distributed storage service co-located at IU data centers in Bloomington and Indianapolis, providing IU researchers with large-scale archival or near-line data storage, arranged in large files, with two copies of data made by default (for disaster recovery).

      For more, see About the Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) at Indiana University.

    For accounts that require sponsorship, your sponsor must email the appropriate UITS Research Technologies unit to request the account on your behalf; the request should include your IU username and a brief justification of your request:

Specialized system accounts

  • Departmental LAN accounts

    To request an account on a departmental LAN, contact the department's network administrator.

  • University web server (Sitehost) accounts

    Sitehost provides web space for online publication by IU departments and officially recognized organizations, including officially recognized student groups. See About Sitehost accounts.

Accounts available for those who are not IU students, faculty, or staff

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Last modified on 2024-06-14 11:40:50.